Welcome to Washington District #52
Welcome to Washington District #52

After 20 years, I cannot imagine teaching anywhere else.
- Steve Strickler, 8th Grade Math

I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to join the WMS community this year. The staff is an amazing group of educators focused on providing the best education possible for the students and supporting each other both professionally and personally.
- Kerri Borlin, 5th Grade

I have taught at D52 for seven years. Students and staff have a supportive community surrounding them each and every day. Our PTC is continually working behind the scenes to ensure that student and staff needs are met! D52 is a great place to work!
- Erica Varvil, 6th Grade ELA

I truly love working at D52! I feel supported and valued by my administration, fellow teachers and PTC. Washington is an amazing community and I am blessed to work with great kids and supportive families. I feel proud to work in a school where we are always striving to create a fun environment for students to learn.
- Sarah Olivito, Kindergarten

I love my co-workers! The paraprofessionals that are on my team are so dedicated and loving! I also love finding new ways for my students to learn in creative ways.
- Katlyn Woodard, Special Education

I love district 52 because there is so much love, attention, and acceptance given to all kids. We have high expectations and foster a love of learning in all students! There are so many skilled teachers and staff that are invested in engaging and motivating students to be their best. The district is always revisiting best practices to ensure we are providing academically rigorous learning! I am proud to be a part of district 52!
- Jessica Wentz, 1st Grade

I have the best job in the whole school! I am a therapy dog so I get to come to school every day to make people happy. I start each day by greeting students as they come in. You can often find me spending time collecting treats from all the staff that keep a special stash for me. Nurse Faith sometimes has pig ears and Mrs. Bolliger gives me ice cream! I don't like snow days or weekends.
- Boone, Therapy Dog

What I love most about WMS is the great people that I get to work with on my various teams! We go above and beyond to do what is best for kids and to be a great support system to each other as well. I am thankful to come to work each day with such great kids and such great co-workers!
- Dawn Burns, Special Education

This is my 26th year teaching at Washington Middle School. My favorite part of my job is getting to know my students. I truly appreciate our district's focus on building relationships and providing the best possible education to our students!
- Jason Chave, 6th Grade Math

I absolutely love working at District 52! The staff here is the most collaborative group of people I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Everyone supports one another personally and professionally; it is an inspiring environment to work in. Teaching STEM brings me so much joy. I wish I had the opportunity to take this class when I was younger. It's incredible to be a part of preparing students for jobs that haven't even been created yet. We are nurturing dynamic learners who are adept at problem-solving. The skills they gain will undoubtedly benefit them in various aspects of their future.
- Hannah Lambert, 6-8th STEM