District 52 follows a Balanced Literacy Framework for Grades K-8. Reading and Writing Workshop include Whole Group & Small Group instruction in Reading and Writing. The IL English Language Arts Standards are used for instruction.

K-5 Reading Workshop

Teacher follows the workshop model (10-15 min. mini-lesson, 15-30 min independent reading time, 45-60 min of guided reading & work time, 5 min share)

Teacher models the use of reading strategies (make their thinking visible) before, during, and after reading.

Teacher conducts guided reading lessons with small groups of students with similar needs.

Teacher confers 1:1 with students during independent reading time.

Students are engaged in reading a variety of texts, including grade level, instructional level, and independent level texts, in order to build reading stamina.

Students respond to texts in a variety of ways that require higher-order thinking skills (conversations, drama, writing, visual representations, graphic organizers)

Teacher models fluent reading in a variety of settings with a variety of materials.

Students reread texts to build fluency (choral, echo, partner reading, independent practice).

Teacher provides individual feedback as needed.

Teacher facilitates a whole-group wrap up to give students an opportunity to share their learning.

Opportunities for students to read across the school day are provided (content areas).

K-5 Writing Workshop

Teacher provides explicit instruction through mini-lessons focused on content and conventions.

Teacher confers with individuals or small groups of students during work time to re-teach and provide feedback as new learning is applied.

Teacher facilitates a share time in which students share their writing with the whole class, small group, or partner.

Teacher holds students accountable for applying previous learning (word wall words, phonics patterns, effective closings) during independent writing.

Teacher periodically takes students through the process of prewriting, drafting, revising/editing, and publishing.

Opportunities for students to write across the school day are provided (content areas).