Shout out to Parker and Brice for coming up with a great National Junior Honor Society project! They are doing a great job out front each morning!  Thank you parents for pulling all the way up and for being polite to our volunteers!   

We still have work to do but we are happy to report some great news. Below is some data collected from the first two trimesters:

Math - 69% of students met their winter growth goal!
Reading - 70% of students met their winter growth goal!
Office Referrals - 85% of students have zero!
Strive for Five - 69% of students have missed less than five days of school!

Discussion: Take some time this weekend to talk about this data with your student. Did they meet their goals? Do they have an office referral? Have they missed five or more days of school? What support do they need from you to finish strong? Last, it takes a long time to build someone up using words; it takes only a moment to tear them down using our words. Please talk about building people up and not tearing them down.   

Potter Palooza is February 22! All proceeds will go to purchasing books for the WMS library! Invitation and registration items can be found by visiting the live feed.  See you there!

Yearbook Reminder - Order forms have been sent home. You can also order online at and use code: 13551719. Cost is $14. Sales run until March 1.  Please contact Mrs. Allaman if you have any questions!